Dream Log #11

Feb 23, 2011 13:13

A note before I begin: as I sit here, a man just passed by wearing Mechakara gloves and a brown hat. Weird.

I had two distinct dreams last night, due to the fact that the damned construction outside my window keeps waking me up in the morning. The first involved going to the mall and a movie with my roommate and her friend, Arisch or something like that. Not a real person, of course. I don't remember the precise details of most of it; just that, at the end, apparently my roommate thought I was a lesbian. This is a reasonable enough dream: she was discussing the lesbianism of one of her friends on the phone about an hour before I went to bed. (Honestly, she can't seem to shut up about her friend's sex lives. Very awkward.)

The second involved the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and another similar group of odd superhero-y animals. I can't quite recall what they were all about, which is a good indicator that my subconscious just made them up anyway. The second group were away, for some reason, and the Turtles decided to impersonate them so that they could get free stuff. Then they ran into the other group's nemesis. While running away, they dropped a receipt for all the pizza they'd ordered, so the villain figured out that they weren't who they said they were. That villain then contacted the Turtle's nemesis (not the real one, a made up pair of dudes) to discuss teaming up to kill the Turtles. They hired a young hitman to do it, and somehow this led to composer Danny Elfman being killed instead and his body being hidden in Linkara's closet. A Turtles/Linkara teamup was doubtless imminent, but then I woke up.

No idea where any of THAT came from, save maybe the Linkara part. I never watched TMNT, and...really? Danny Elfman? It was very specific, too, his name came up repeatedly. Which is weird because off the top of my head I couldn't even tell you a thing he's worked on. Looking him up, I've probably heard his name a few times in connection with Tim Burton, but even so, it is odd.

...and this just occurred to me now, but that guy had BETTER not die soon. 0.0


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