
Jul 12, 2015 13:47

Procrastination. Is there a more beautiful word in the English language? (well, maybe paycheck or chocolate ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

daybreak777 July 12 2015, 20:12:21 UTC
It does sound like a fun summer! Relaxing. And you seem happy.

No run this summer?


lls_mutant July 25 2015, 00:47:49 UTC
I am happy :) Stressed and busy some days, but happy :) I hope you are too!

I am running, but I don't have a race. I was supposed to do a race in June, but had strep, and then was thinking about doing one in August, but we're going to visit my sister. But I'm running a marathon in September, October, and November :) So it will kick off in September!


greenleaf3 July 12 2015, 22:48:22 UTC
Yay for original fic!! And all the Philly/NY stuff sounds fun. Have a great summer!


lls_mutant July 25 2015, 00:48:00 UTC
Thanks! You too!


aome July 16 2015, 03:39:12 UTC
How was the Minions movie?

I'm impressed that your kids, that young, would be into Les Miz. We saw it as a stage production two years ago, and I had a hard time explaining the politics and such going on in the plot - they were 9.25 and 10.75 then, and I did wonder if they'd been a little young. However, my kids somehow liked it anyway, and asked to go again when a professional production came through this summer, and they both loved it again.

Your excursions sound really, really fun - the Philly-based ones and the NYC plans. Also: I wish you had let us know you were at Dorney! Maybe we could have had a brief visit after you left the park or something. Ah well. One of these days, we really should give it a try - it's been ages.

It really is scary how quickly summer is flying by. I think it's been the fastest ever, seriously.


lls_mutant July 25 2015, 00:52:15 UTC
The Minions movie was okay. I really enjoyed the human characters, especially the family the minions met, but they can't quite carry a movie by themselves. But the kids really enjoyed.

It's funny that I'm responding to this right now, because we're watching the movie musical. :) I do wonder if it's worth trying to go, depending on what other options are there, but I've got to get us to NYC first, to start.

We definitely should try to get together! Dorney wouldn't have worked- we closed the park and were wiped after! However, I'm running the Via Marathon September 13, and have to come up to get my packet on the 12th. Maybe we can work something out there? It really isn't that far away!!!


aome July 27 2015, 01:45:42 UTC
Awwww ... I really wanted to run the Via half, since the course is mostly flat/slightly downhill except for the final bit (hilly), but Will talked about wanting to do it with me, and I wasn't sure enough how his training was coming, so I delayed signing up, and now registration is $100. I can't bear to pay that much for a half, so we've just decided to bail.

But, anyway, since we're not even running the relay that day (first time in years), we'll definitely be free to visit the day before, or for lunch after (if you prefer). Do you need a place to crash?


lls_mutant August 10 2015, 01:54:59 UTC
Ugh- sorry I didn't get around to responding to this earlier ( ... )


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