(no subject)

Jun 12, 2015 22:22

Strep sucks :P Not the kids for once- me. I forgot how much strep fucking HURTS. Granted, we're not 100% positive it is strep yet- the doctor took a culture, but we won't know until Monday. He did give me antibiotics to start though, and said if it comes back negative we'll just discontinue them, but if it is strep, then I start getting better NOW. I need antibiotics maybe 1x/year, so I don't think he's too worried about resistance.

But it does mean that I was supposed to run the Half Sauer, Half Kraut half marathon with afrakaday tomorrow, and now I can't. Even if I wasn't spiking a 102 degree fever earlier, I've barely been able to eat anything all day because of how badly my throat hurts. I did stop and get a chocolate shake, which I could get down, but anything else has been a struggle, and even ice cream hurts. So in addition to recovering, I haven't exactly fueled very well for a 13 mile run. I really do wish they'd make these things refundable. I got lucky once with insurance, when my MIL passed, but these races aren't cheap. But then, since I started running again in 2009, I've only missed three races- this one, the one when my MIL passed, and the Valley Forge 5 mile race when I had the stomach bug.

Still. It sucks.
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