
Mar 13, 2015 09:57

Another day off, another chance to update :P The bad news is I'm home with a sick kid. The good news is he feels a lot better. The nurse called me at work yesterday and said that Toby had a fever and a sore throat, and he looked terrible. I went and got him and got him to the doctor, who said it was just a bit of seasonal ickiness. Well, doctor ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

aome March 13 2015, 16:49:38 UTC
Will you remind me who Bill is? Your mother's husband? Sheesh, what a pain in the butt. He should trust that, hey, maybe you know your kids better than he does, as to what they will and won't do, will and won't eat.

(I'm with Toby, btw - I don't like Big Thunder at night. During the day, I'm fine with it. I need to be able to see the tracks.)

I've been pretty disappointed with IllumiNations, actually. It used to be much better. (Rather like Imagination, although we do still ride that, despite the dumbing down.)

Glad to hear Toby's not too sick; I had Two home with me on Mon for a stomachache. Nothing terrible happened, but it was good to let him stay home for observation and rest, just in case. The stomachache actually lasted a couple of days, but by Tues I knew he'd be fine as long as we fed him gently, and off to school he went.


lls_mutant March 13 2015, 17:01:21 UTC
You remembered right- Bill is my mom's husband. He was a complete pain in the butt this time. And even beyond that, one of the first things my mom said as we were looking at the restaurants was, "well, if nothing else, we know the kids will eat in China!" It's not like my kids' passion for potstickers is a giant secret or anything.

I've got to say, Toby was a trooper with Big Thunder. I loved it, but I also don't remember it tossing you around so much. Combine that and the roller coaster factor and night, and well... I'm really proud of him for doing as well as he did.

I admit, I liked Wishes a lot better than Illuminations myself, although I was outvoted by most of the rest of the crew. And even though we watched it from the wrong place, I'm glad we did, because it was awesome standing in the middle of all of those fireworks. Most "magical" moment I had, tbh! The kids were enchanted.

Ugh- stomachaches suck! Glad Two's feeling better and it didn't get too bad. Stomach bugs are the worst!


lorata March 13 2015, 21:35:37 UTC
The whole time I was reading this I sat here thinking "how old is Bill?! and why does everything have to be catered around him like my behavioural kindergarten student?"

Geez louise. I'm glad you were able to have some good times in the end, but gosh!


vash26 March 13 2015, 22:21:29 UTC

I Totally Get That You Want To Work Through A Ehole Week. It's Just The Way These Thing Go With Kids, They Just Pick Up Any Virus.

i Apologize For The App that Somehow Seems Theneed To Capatalize Every Word.

feel Better All Of You


lorrainemarker March 14 2015, 00:04:24 UTC
It seems you had fun in spite of Bill. He sounds very frustrating in all the most difficult ways - doesn't listen, tries to take over, and grumps no matter what. And that passive-aggressive, I'm not on board with this, so your kids wouldn't like it (or at least that's what I tend to read into crap like that). Potstickers are great, my nieces adored them which meant when in doubt Chinese was the place to go.

Do stay on property next time. It's huge fun. We stayed at Animal Kingdom and did Animal Kingdom, Epicot, and Magic Kingdom. My sister reserved scooters for me because I had a back injury, which doubled as a water bottle, snack, and shopping cart. And a couple of times the girls rested on the foot board while I scooted which cut down just a tad on the exhausted meltdown factor. Anyway all the Disney properties are nice and they have a good range of costs and options.

Regardless of Grumpy!Bill what the boys will remember in 20 years is how much fun they had and maybe the fireworks.


daybreak777 March 14 2015, 17:57:23 UTC
Sorry you missed work, but so good to see you posting!

I don't remember who Bill is but that was weird. I do think he needs some help with something. ETA: I see he is your stepfather but still. Too many opinions on kids he doesn't know well as he thinks he does.

Sorry about the stress but glad Toby is feeling better!


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