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Aug 05, 2014 08:59

Ugh. Trevor just cannot catch a break this summer. Now he's down with a virus. It's not a particularly bad one, but he does have a fever, headache, and sore throat. I called the doctor, and he said that the medicine he's taking for his infection is a pretty strong antibiotic, so this is definitely viral (assuming it's not anything more serious, of course, which it's probably not.) Not a big deal, except Trevor's supposed to go to art camp this week. He's been waiting all summer for it. He went yesterday and had a blast, and he's so disappointed to miss today. But he's definitely not up to it. I really hope he can go tomorrow. He started a paper mache hot air balloon yesterday and is dying to finish it. It also means a pretty boring day for Toby, since we can't have a friend over today.

However, I did use WebMD, just to see what he's got. Proof that WebMD is a good tool upon occasion but should never be substituted for a doctor- according to them, Trevor's inhaled anthrax. Um, yeah. I don't think that's the problem. :) I just really hope he can go to camp tomorrow.

Watched Falling Skies the other night. Wow. Some contracts must have been up, huh? I feel bad I was kind of glad to see Loudres go, but I really did not like where they went with her character. The mole thing could have been interesting, but I really wanted to see more of her guilt and instead we got her strange, cult-like subservience to Lexie. I can't stop thinking of the guy who died as Conner, and the doctor's death was just bad. I've enjoyed Falling Skies (although I do keep shaking my head at its desire to be BSG), but I haven't been super crazy about the Lexie arc. I did like the New Caprica episodes, but since then... On the bright side, Hal's finally decided to stop whining and become useful, so he's not driving me so nuts, and they gave MiniMason a fun arc, although the Nazi camp doesn't seem to have affected him much. They need to give Maggie some big guns and let her go to town more, though, and I liked Tigh!Anne a lot. Anne needs conflict, and I wish we'd gotten to see a bit more of her internal dilemma. Anne and Anthony make a good team, and I wanted a lot more of that dynamic.

Also started watching Oz. Howard doesn't have any interest in watching it, so I only watch when he's out of town and at this point have only gotten 2 episodes in. I really like it so far, although I'm still sorting names and faces.

Reading-wise, I've been stuck in some sophomore novels. I read The Sowing, which is the second book in the Torchkeeper series, and am almost done Guardian, which is the second book in Alex London's series. I didn't really like The Sowing as much as The Culling. It also falls victim to something that seems to be happening in the YA dystopia world, where the protagonist goes through the same weird ritual/formula more than once, like how Katniss essentially ended up in the Arena three times. Guardian has some problems- a little bit of it is that same formula, although not as bad. My biggest problem with Guardian is that the point of view randomly switches mid-scene a LOT. It's not third person omniscient- it's limited third person switching. The book has some very interesting things about power shifting with revolution, and overcompensation, but it really lacks shades of gray- the sides are pretty much hive minds/monoliths. But the characters are interesting and I like Syd a lot, so I'm definitely sticking with it. Ironically, I still haven't finished The Lost Hero, which is the best of the three that I'm reading, but it's not on my Kindle, so that's why. I think after I finish these I'm taking a break from the YA genre and reading The Dressmaker of Khair Khana, which was recommended to me and sounded fascinating.

Debating if I should get a workout in now or see about running tonight. I wasn't going to, but since we're not going to the Lego build, I could. I don't know if I'll pull off a mid-range run this week- Howard's taking Friday off, and I'm doing my long run then because our weekend is so crazy. We'll see.

Guess I should get moving so I can get Toby to swim lessons. At least Trevor's well enough that we can do that. I still wish he could go to camp though :( Hope everyone has a good day!
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