I'm in a chatty mood (although of course I'm going to bed soon), so picked up from my f-list:
Inspired by Doctor Who's "Turn Left:" Pick one of my stories and tell me a point in the tale that you'd change. Something tiny (e.g. "and then Fay chose silver glitter instead of gold") or big (e.g. "and then Rose was arrested instead of Jack") and I'll tell you how that one difference would have altered the course of the entire story.
That one sounds like fun.
I've almost got my remix for
remixredux09 done. Anyone up for betaing? It's BSG, and although there's a punch at the end, it's not my normal kind of punch. I should have the rough draft done tomorrow, and the fics are due July 12.
I need to get moving on the next chapter of A Lot to Live Up To as well (
Chapter 9 made it up the other day). I'm really excited to write the opening scene. It was one I thought was going in this chapter, but the spot I ended this chapter made more sense, and it's the perfect opening for the next chapter, with Dee trying to decide what she's going to do.
I also got a few new fic bunnies. One is a short one- I want to do The Passage from Noel's POV. I had a few scenes that dealt with Noel in The Passage in this chapter, but they got cut because they didn't fit the plot. I also have an idea for a fic with Lee, ten years post-Daybreak. Lee's tired of climbing mountains and wants to settle, and goes around to all the different settlements looking for the right one. I think that would be a neat fic. The only thing about it is there's one detail that I want in that fic, but don't want to put out there before I finish the Hoshi backstory fic because it's a plot point there that I really like.
Bunnies. Sheesh.
Watched Defiance the other night. It was decent, but I'm wondering if I'll review it. I'm not sure I can find much to say, y'know? Not brilliant, not horrible, and the biggest conclusion I reached is that I have a hard time understanding Eastern European accents and Daniel Craig has the bluest eyes on Earth, to the point where they're distracting.
We've been rewatching West Wing and missing that quality on television. We're also planning a rewatch of Band of Brothers, which is one of those series that is just amazing.
Okay. I should consider sleep. Sleep is good, especially when I have to get up to take Toby to OT. Hope y'all had a good weekend!