The boys are so not cooperating. Well, the fictional ones, and one of the real ones. Fortunately, Trevor is behaving and is asleep in his room. It sounds like Toby might be accepting his fate as well.
Ooops. Nope. Not yet.
Gakked from
falafel_musings: Comment here and ask me anything about any fandom I'm involved in/have been involved in. Controversial or innocent, silly or serious, ask and you'll get my honest opinion on the subject. General or specific, anything goes.
Stuff I get fannish about are the obvious two (HP and BSG), but also Firefly, Buffy, West Wing, LOST, Heroes (which SUCKED last night) and Pern in the past.
Okay. Maybe I can get a workout in now.
roses_griffes, sorry if I'm a little late, but I will be there!