Jul 11, 2006 01:58
conan was a really old rerun tonite. i was disappointed.
so i know the world series of pop culture has just started on VH1, and we're still in the early rounds....but it's crazy easy. ask the cid gang. i maybe, maybe, didnt know 2. hopefully it gets more challenging as time progresses, so i can show off my true skill to other onlookers. and hopefully you all watch the show, so there will be a second season, and i can get on there and make some money. i dont want a team though. i want to do it alone. sort of like everything else i do in life. absolutely by myself.
i really wanted a new DS game the other day. my brain age is doing good, but now that i've unlocked everything, its mainly just a sudoku time killer. newSMB is finished, and now i just try and get 100% on star coins. and feel the magic xxxy, has well, lost its magic. but alas, despite my searching, and almost compromising, i could find nothing in EB. and Phantom Hourglass doesnt come out until Nov. 1.....by then i should have my Wii.
speaking of EB, there was fat kid in there who kept asking if we needed help finding anything, but he was like 10, and obviously not an employee...just a loser kid who hung around EB and knew the place like the back of his hand. it was pathetic until his cell phone rang and bon jovis "living on a prayer" blasted through the whole store...then it was hysterical. that kid was a loser. and dont dare call me hypocritical either. b/c there is a HUGE difference between hanging out in a store and pretending you work there, and going to the store, talking about games, looking at games, then going home and playing them. if the kid was that serious about gaming, he would not be walking around EB....he'd be playing. pwned.
so now im not playing much of anything. cant really get into mariokart64 at the moment. guess theres too much history and too much hype for me. dont ask. girls suck.
yea. girls suck.
some fat half retarded gay guy came to the bar at chilis right before i got off, and as im leaving, tell a server to ask about me.... yes, i got hit on by a gay fat half retarded guy. the ONE time anyone hits on me while working, and its that guy. i broke his heart, by relaying i was single and very straight. but theres other gay guys that work at chilis though, and pretty cool, and not as skinny as me....so maybe that guy will find someone else.
jeez louise.....
chicago is back in the picture, soon......maybe.....
LyricsOTD: "Gentlemen Do I Have All Five Numbers Right?" - EL CID
i saw you break before me
your heart broke right before my eyes
i loved the face you gave me
having tasted your own medicine