Stick and stones may break my bones but tanks will never hurt me.

Aug 07, 2006 03:40

I just watched the first 14 episodes of X-Men The Animated Series, that show can be addicting.

My party was insanely fun, pictures later and possibly one or two funny paragraphs about it. Look forward to that.

I'm entirely to itchy, I hate mosquitos, I hate'em. I took a walk around, umm, I dunno, 8 or 9 tonight to Co Go's to get some gummy worms and iced tea. Half way there I got to hot, so I took my shirt off. It was all good until my walk home, I passed under a tree. I rounded the corner and under a street light and I noticed I had a bug on me and hit it away. Enough was enough and I put my shirt back on and arrived inside. I took my shirt back off cause my house is never cold enough, and I noticed I have six or seven bites scattered across the top part of my torso. Some weirdass mosquito hideout had to be in that tree. That's what I hate about mosquitos the most I think, that their bites don't hurt. You never know when one is crawling on you and having it's way with your blood supply. Eww, just thinking of them makes me cringe.

What else? Ohh, Dean is planning a party at his house. That's pretty cool. He's gotta be one of the most fun kids I know. I think I'll sway your judgement when I post those pictures of my party. He didn't set a date yet, but it's before the end of August.

When Summer ends, the job hunt starts again. I've not had a job and money is hard for that reason. The semester off will be awesome. School in Winter will be awesome. It feels so good to just hang out and do things I wanna, I don't wanna go all the way out to Robinson just do something I could do on my own time. PTI, you've got nothing on me. Sure, we were cool. Sure, you offered a great program. Sure, I'm not driving that far to hang with you and I don't wanna leave this town and live with you. If I had a checklist, I'd X you out of future plans. As for the winter, ITT you seem very cool. This is your chance to be my future, don't be uncool.

Since I'm up all the time at this hour, I should probably update even more then I have been. Is there anything else I should add before I post this entry? Hmm. I guess nothing. Time to relax.
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