Jan 21, 2005 13:12
today is so f*$&ed up....my uncles are total assholes, no comsideration for my mother. My mom had a car in her name, gave it to her brothers, but never signed it over. Why? cause her brothers told her it'll be ok. Now they left it in detroit at my grandmothers old house, and then moved it to a friend's back yardwith no plates. Well... wonderful Detroit police finally decide to do something great for detroit, and have a new thing called "clean sweep detroit". "wow" so, their mission is to tow all cars with no regestration or plates on them and impound them. well, the car had no plates in my uncle's friend's backyard, and guess what? Detroit took that shit!!!! so, my mother gets a letter that she is responsible for the vehicle, and if not payed, it gets auctioned and bad info goes on her record. Bullshit, right? or she can take it out within 20 days for 300.00 in cash, with nothing on her record. option two- pay 75.00 and sign title over to impound place, with nothing on her record. (more bullshit) And on top of that mom has to pay or uncle richie pays when he has a newborn and no money, while my uncle art pays shit and he is the responsible party. fucked up right? see what family is there for? to make more shit when the platter was finally clean.