Dec 09, 2009 19:44
1º: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.
2º: Tag six sexy people. Don't refuse to do that like a pansy. Unless you really don't want to of course. And if you're not tagged and you want to do it, then do!
Favorite song right now?: que mas me ha The Story de Brandie Carline..o algo asi..
What did you last eat?:
Macarrones con nata y setas Oo
What kind of books do you read?:
Spuffy..solo spuffy y vampiros..que al fin y al cabo todo lo que hay, es una copia...
What are you reading right now?:
Despues de terminado la saga Crepusculo..ahora estoy con cuarta parte de la saga Cronicas vampiricas...
Favorite television show right now?:
Muchas y las de siempre: House, Anatomia, The big bang teory...Bones, The vampire diaries, dollhouse...etc
Name one odd item within five fee of you:
Gollum, Spike, Buffy, Drusilla, R2P2, Angel, Anya y Darkwillow
What's your current fandom / obsession / addiction?:
Buffy-Spuffy...for ever
What did you really want to do today that you didn't?:
Estar en la cana viendo series
What are you most excited for?:
Ver si se ahar alguna peli de Crepusculo decente o seran todas una mierda frente a unos libros que son buenos...
If you could be a mythical creature, what would you be?:
VAMPIRO... la duda ofende
What was the last thing you bought?:
Unas botas, marrones, por encima de la rodilla
If you could have any pet, what would it be?:
dos perros y dos gatos..XD
What do you want right this minute, off the top of your head?:
Como conseguir otro trabajo
Where is the place you like to return to in order to calm down / relax / etc.?:
El mar..mi mar
How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?:
Are there any bits of childhood that you miss?:
Las navidades
Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter?:
Say something to the person who tagged you:
ue te quiero..y que eres mi caballero de la brillante armadura...