(no subject)

Feb 11, 2006 23:12

THE RESULT OF BOREDOM: A story, Entitled....


By Laurene Ann and Jayson Tyler:

Sex, Drugs, Mexicans, and Wallabies: The untold true story of the lives of James and Sue.

JaysonEqualsYAYY : So sue went to the playground
OMG  its laurene : she met a really cute boy named james who brooded a lot.
JaysonEqualsYAYY: they went out for ice cream and he got her durnk
OMG  its laurene : she laughed and went "jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaames. i want your hot piece of ass, lets fuck!"
JaysonEqualsYAYY : And then they had 6897548975894 babies
OMG  its laurene : she had about 490 sets of twins, 4590 sets of triplets, whom were all named after actors like... Byron, James, Dean, Brad, Pitt, Jolie, Angelina, Joie, Bethany, Lenz, Michael, Chad, Murray, Lafferty, James, Ross, Burton, Hilarie, Sophia, Anna, Bush, Jennifer, Aniston, Norma, Jeane, Baker, Mortenson, Marilyn, Monroe.
JaysonEqualsYAYY: they ate the first 12 because starvation in the country of africa then decided to adopt a french poodle named clasrisse pumpaduree and went for a picnic in the east asian plains of the forest
OMG  its laurene : Where they proceeded to have mad sex, and after contracting a horrible STD better known as syphillis, from the nasty african ground, the poodle and james died.
JaysonEqualsYAYY: they decided to then adopt an wild green rabbit from the wicked tundras of new york and bought 3 infected rats to feed the children because of the power outage
OMG  its laurene: Unfortunately, about 506 of the children died of Rat Poisoning... and a few of their names were
JaysonEqualsYAYY : glattis, francis, be
OMG  its laurene : stefano, paulo, francois, michel, lorelai, rory, lucey, lukas, lucas, lukie, lucifer, lila, lilia, lola, lala, patrick, bob, sandy, ward, christoff, kristoff, ashland, ashton, ryland, roy, tyler, jayson, jason, jasin, jaoson,  laurin, laurene, lauren, lauryn, joel, stephen, casey, allison, olivia, samantha, dylan, bryan, julia, stiles, amara, daniel, sylvia
JaysonEqualsYAYY : then james started haveing an afair with child number 67858 and they got pregant but had a miscarriage and decided "hmmmm i've always wanted a baby with down symdrom" so they adopted that poop and named her  gurtrude
OMG  its laurene : who grew up to be the most world renowned asexualish obstrerectian.... and then after a baby was born in her arms, she like... cried a lot and then was all like oh DADDY james, i missed you!
JaysonEqualsYAYY : But then Sue in a fit of rage over their afair ran over gurtrude and dumped her body into her sister, susies huge gaping vagina
OMG  its laurene : "Oh no! my sister is in my uterus!" what am i going to do cried susie
JaysonEqualsYAYY : so she decied that she would use help from your neighbor guatlupe to use a fishing rode to fish out her sisters corpse, but while that guatlupes husband, paco decieded to try to fuck rocko in the ass
OMG  its laurene : rocko screamed in anguish, and cried and cried... then had a miracle wallaby man baby named Ropaco
JaysonEqualsYAYY: then
OMG  its laurene : "im not a boy man, i am not yet a boy wallaby" sang ropaco after he grew up to be a super hit mega asian porn star singer and married britney spears 10th kid.
JaysonEqualsYAYY : then whitetrash spears and ropaco decieded that they should build a huge house the whole 734783 kids and their parents and everyone could live in
OMG  its laurene : unfortunately
JaysonEqualsYAYY : then many family fights were created casue they made paco and guadlupe sleep in the barn with the scabees infested hoarses
OMG  its laurene: the horses were totally trippin on acid after realizin they had scabies, so they wanted to trip on acid and like be all like "WHOAH MAN!"
JaysonEqualsYAYY : so then green ponies from the acid came stampeeding out of the barn and made the new nice house clapasse
OMG  its laurene: and everyone like died except for sue and james, the people who had started this all.
JaysonEqualsYAYY : so then sue and james looked at each other and their crazy lifes and said "We are perfect for each other" but suddenly...
OMG  its laurene : a boulder came roaring down the hill, ending this horrible and tragic tale of
JaysonEqualsYAYY : sex, drugs, mexicans, and walabies
OMG  its laurene : THE END? or is it?

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