Of KnittedHobbits, Friends and Gardens

Jan 02, 2007 21:06

marigoldg made a kind entry in her journal here about the magnificent knittedmerry and slightly less magnificent, but infinitely huggable knittedpippin explaining how much work it takes to satisfy this demanding pair when it comes to photoshoots, with intricate costume designs and endless retakes until each of their adventures is close to perfect.

Of course knittedmerry demands perfection in all that he does and is a hard taskmaster at times. He has fired more make-up artistes and wardrobe mistresses than you can shake a stick at, to say nothing of hairdressers and grips and best boys!

Nevertheless, I feel his is a talent worth nurturing, and to receive so many encouraging comments from so many people on marigoldg's journal makes it all worthwhile.

One little thing I would like to explain. Sometimes knittedmerry will grant audiences to his many fans and of course adventures ensue and pictures are taken. However, through no fault of the lads, but purely because I am distracted by meeting people and socialising with them, the resulting pictures are often just not up to scratch!

knittedmerry and I have had words about this, as you can imagine, but one thing on which we both agree is that the pictures have to be spot-on to meet his high standards

knittedpippin has come up with the bright idea of publishing a Magnificent Photo Album, containing all the (sometimes rather artificially) posed pictures taken of famous people they have both met over the years. KM and I think this might just work and if you would like to see such a thing please let me know.

In the meantime, any fears that might have existed that knittedmerry and I had irrevocably fallen out, (on account of him and KP recklessly digging up my garden to find Spring and then threatening to move out and live with Marigold) can be finally put to rest.

KnittedSam came to the rescue, with the aid of the delightful and skilled gardener Eddie. (Honestly, those two are so alike I can hardly tell them apart!) Here they are having spent several hard days digging and planting and building a summer cabin for knittedmerry to enjoy the garden from. Looks good! Don't you think?

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