Dec 28, 2013 17:49

wildflowers in an open field
ϕ seventeen, born 14th of february
ϕ 5'9
ϕ yellow hair, fair skin, green eyes
ϕ sparsely put together; a weathered scarecrow, all limbs and sharp angles
ϕ prominent ears (a source of self consciousness), mouth just a tad too wide; eyebrows with an (unintentionally, unfortunately) permanent mischievous tilt
ϕ freckles

ϕ far from the brightest, analytically, academically or philosophically, but good with his hands and a quick learner of physical things
ϕ an honest soul; straightforward; accepting - of people and orders, which he never questions
ϕ trusting - and thus susceptible to manipulation; he would be utterly devastated if betrayed, as it's something he's never thought anyone would do
ϕ empathetic - good instinct; though he doesn't always understand why, he knows when to talk and when to stop - gets along with others
ϕ including animals, particularly horses - a skilled horse rider
ϕ impulsive; does his best to carry out orders and errands, yet occasioanlly goes out of his way for inexplicable reasons he can never quite explain better than a shrug and "it felt right" (to the dismay of his parents and superiors); like jack selling his cow for some "magic" beans.
ϕ laid back; daydreams about home and the way shadows stretched across wide, wide pastures every dusk
ϕ likes wide open spaces; mildly claustrophobic
ϕ tends to focus on the people around him rather than talking about himself, who he doesn't think too highly of ("dumber than a mule, my pa used to say.")
ϕ had the worst mullet-thing -it hid his ears- for hair before it was cut upon enlisting

and the wind in his hair
ϕ youngest of three sons
ϕ tough yet caring parents, both weather worn
ϕ family raises horses on pasture lands in Maria; predominantly sold as draught horses or bred for nobles in Sina
ϕ parents encouraged him to join the military; they'd had grander hopes for each of their sons but have long since accepted otherwise - however, with their eldest son bringing home his own family, they had more than enough help on the farm and they were running out of space, anyway; they thought that Dieter ought to "toughen up" and see more of the world
ϕ so he leaves obediently without particular enthuse or aim (but eventually, eventually he thinks he'd really like to see the mountains and fields Outside, because rumours say they never end)
ϕ he misses his horses very much, especially his beloved filly, Frauke.
ϕ not the type for gratuitous displays of emotion, his parents send him correspondence in the form of warm clothes and extra supplies


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