Tutorial: Curves, Saturation, Selective Color, Textures

May 22, 2007 18:04

Again tut by me. Again in high colours <3 love them.. Aaaand start!


1) Open your base (crop, resize)
2) Add new adj layer - curves with these settings: RGB I:81 O:123 BLUE I:75 O:7 RED I: 134 O: 152


3) Add new adj layer - saturation +20


4) Make new adj layer - selective color. With these settings:

Reds -100 +30 -80 +10
Greens +100 0 0 +15
Cyans +100 0 -15 +30


5) Add new adj layer - saturation +10 (if you want)


6) Add thise by fangirls_inc on blend mode hard light with opacity 60%


7) Add this texture (by me) on blend mode hard light with opacity 67%


8) Add some text, brushes if you want


And.. finish :) More result with these technique:

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[x] Show me your results

resources: tutorial

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