Stasi: Chasing shadows...

Mar 10, 2011 19:33

((OOC note: I'm heavily-altering these lyrics to suit the place and genders. I heard this song on the radio, and the first thing that came into my mind was Stasi. If ever there was a song written for a character, this one comes damned close. I hope you enjoy my take on it--and please, give it a listen. It's beautiful. By the way, have fun trying to figure out who the lyrics are referring to; I'm trying to make it ambiguous, because, well, Stasi doesn't even know for sure.))

Well, it's a windin' road, when you're in the lost and found
You're my lover, I'm a runner, and we go round and round
And I love you, but I leave you. I don't want you, but I need you
You know it's you that calls me back here...

A deep breath of fresh, clear mountain air fills my lungs as I stand outside my cabin, gazing at the massive bulk of Nordrassil in the distance. Kalla is attempting to get Bein to play, and Alata is off prowling close by. It's peaceful, here...but it's an extremely deceptive peace, and one that was hard-won and could so easily be lost again.

I made a vow to the Ancients that I would fight to keep Mount Hyjal safe. The fact that it's on the continent of Kalimdor, where Linthara had sent me to "look for signs of trouble", is...well, irrelevant. I have my word to keep, and quite frankly, a vow to the Ancients takes precedence over my word to my commander. In this case, though, I'm pretty sure everyone wants the same thing. Fleetwing, my wind rider, growls as she gazes at me from her perch in a nearby tree. I smile as I walk closer, hefting her gear as I say soothing nonsense to lure her down; it's never wise to tease a creature with a poisoned barb as big as your head on her tail. It's time to move on; the shadows I'm looking for aren't here, though I've asked a few druids that I trust to keep an eye out. Mount Hyjal is the first place I can really, truly call home...but duty calls.

Fleetwing leaps down and butts her massive head against my armored chest. I smile as I scratch her ears--predictably, as soon as I give one of my girls a jot of attention, the others come bounding up, Kalla bouncing around and yipping excitedly while Bein and Alata approach with more dignity. For a few minutes, I'm being playfully mauled by three furry idiots while a spirit-cat watches quietly.

My family. My children. My home--and once again, we have to leave it. But it's all right, I decide, as I squirm out from under a literal dogpile with a laugh. There are bigger things to worry about. Linthara needs me to find those shadows; the Ancients need people like me to keep their world whole, or relatively so. And Deathwing is still around somewhere--he must be dealt with before everyone and everything is destroyed.

At least, if I keep moving, and keep myself busy, I can keep from thinking about a certain mage. Bah, what am I saying? He's a madman, and judging from everyone's inability to find him, he's long gone. It just goes to show you--don't bother trying to open yourself up to anyone, because one way or another, they'll leave your life, and you're alone again.

"Time to move, ladies," I say with a grin, settling Fleetwing's armor with a few final adjustments. Two roars, a howl, and a series of fox yips answer me, scattering the birds hidden in the trees around our clearing.

I haven't drank anything stronger than wine in three months, and not even much of that. Either this means I haven't been as depressed as usual, or I'm truly over my alcoholism. Maybe both. Either way, I feel...good.

Oh, I wanna see you again, but I'm stuck in colder weather
Maybe tomorrow will be better--can I call you then?
'Cause I'm a ramblin' girl, and I'm not ever gonna change
I've got a gypsy soul to blame, and I was born for leavin'...

Lyrics: "Colder Weather", Zac Brown Band

linthara, ancients, stasi, ic, mt. hyjal

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