(no subject)

Feb 19, 2007 22:42

Well things have taken an interesting twist. I've known jennytabby on and off for 5 or more years now and 4 years ago I tried to start a relationship which got shot down, and we went our separate ways. Recently I had the fortune, or misfortune of being there for her through some tough times. Well things started off again, and this time, I got to follow through with my visiting her... Gasp this valentines day! Yes, you're thinking that's in the past, but I've been busy and flu ridden so shut up =P

It was a memorable day I'd gladly share, our tale starts at 5am as I awoke and swore my head off for getting up so early, did the stuff I never usually do, shave, brush teeth, wash face, gel hair. get packed etc and it was strange, walking to the train station was rather quiet, but all the birds were out, even in the bustling town nearby, it was dead quiet bar the odd truck every 5 minutes. So I got to listen to the birds. Rather romantic already and I hadn't even started the day. Although it was raining, oops, forgot that XD

Train there was interesting, I was nervous about having a cheap day ticket on such an early train but the guard didn't mind. The underground was interesting but I didn't give myself enough time to get across and had to run like mad from station to northern, then at Leicester square, northen to Piccadilly, then Kings Cross, second half of the journey was interesting, the trains to Cambridge suck... I didn't have any table... just this thing jutting out with which to write in the valentines day card. The going through tunnels every 30 seconds was murder on the ears.

Every time I started to realise that I was half the country away from home, I had to sort of look outside the window and compare it to the sights of where I live... I didn't want to be nervous, because I get sick when I'm nervous, I really wanted to enjoy this day, and it was kind of exciting trekking across England to meet someone I'd fallen for, to see them for real, hold them in my arms. The expectations were high. Maybe too high. But I was getting impatient on that 4 hour trip, after the last stop before Ely I started watching outside, looking out for the possible town I was to disembark at. I even got up at one point and stood up at the door, thinking we were there and then sat down 5 minutes later.

Getting the Ely, emotions ran high, I got off, started looking around and just walked in the general direction I thought was right and here this little girl walked up to me, the face looked familiar from what I'd seen, but I wasn't sure, it was one of those "Becky?" moments, it's strange, photos never do a person justices, or tell you their hight XD She is adorably cute and small ^_^ Well we said hello and and started walking and talking to the bus, I saw where she worked, but we were nervous, I wasn't sure what to do and so we just stood next to each other and talked, I think we both know what we wanted to do, but were too nervous too. the bus was the same, more chatting and anecdotes, and the long walk to her house. They appear to be bringing chavs to the country as the residents are quite scary. I quickly had to learn Becky's walking pace XD But she was so cute and small and watching her jump down and up kerbs was something.

We got to her back door, took off the shoes, settled down, and got greeted by her brother with a nasty cold. But we managed to get on and when the Wii got switched on we managed to have some fun, but I guess I wanted to spend some proper time with Becky so I just took my stuff to what I thought was her room, but turned out to be her brother's (doh) thank god she was right behind me and directed me to her room, much cute, plushie heaven and quite girly. Which is fine by me cuz I'm quite girly myself.

We exchanged valentines presents, I had chocolates I'm afraid, where as she had teddies and a picture she drew of us. We then went on a tour of her DVD collection, much different to mine, and finally got a hug in, and then a kiss, and then it didn't stop, not even "Hello Kitty goes to the movies" could separate us, so bad in fact that we missed 2 buses. But I got to ask one question I wanted to save to ask in person. I asked her to be my girlfriend, and she easily replied with yes, which made me so happy.

So we had to take our newly found snuggleness to the streets and wait for the bus. The bus trip wasn't so bad but the problem was that Becky was starting to feel down by this point, so holding her in my arms for most of the journey and even letting her listen to some of my music which she enjoyed, but the high point was watching her fall asleep, her cute little face is burnt into my memory because it was so adorable, I wish I could watch it right now ._.

Once we got there and after meeting one of her friends, we met up with estantia and duelmasterp who walked us to the place for bowling, more expensive than originally thought, but it was good, the problem was that Becky was really starting to feel the effects of the cold and she did not look happy, so I ended up having to really cuddle her and look after her, and I was super-worried, I think I gave Liz some rather scary worried faces, because I wanted to take Becky back home. But I had some meds on me which helped so it was all good.

I hadn't played bowling in awhile and managed to surprise myself, I threw a fair lot of turkeys, but the ones that hit, hit fast, I really had something against those back pins, the front pins were more safe than the ones at the back. Becky played her own game, she was a winner in her own world XD If losers were winners, she beat us all by a mile! Yay! A trip around a DVD store a few metres away, grabbing a subway which I stashed for the train home and then we had to walk to the train station. Holding Becky in my arms the entire way, getting as much love in as I could, as Becky described it, we had one of those romantic train moments on the platform, waiting for my train, saying goodbye, and one last kiss. We took a picture on my phone because her's had gone flat.

I hated separating myself from her, I could think of no-one else on the way home, I remember vehemently asking Liz and D to take care of her and to make sure she got home okay because she was ill. Problem was, on my second run through the underground I somehow lost my mobile, probably from running like mad and not paying attention. But I was really down and upset on the last leg home because it had a picture of us on there and it was the only one. I also was thinking of phoning Becky's house to see if she made it home alright. The guy I was sitting with noticed and gave his condolences as he left later. Wished me luck in finding it. I had to walk home in the dark, I was meant to get a lift but without my phone I couldn't phone anyone. I've already reported it lost/stolen and gotten a replacement sim, but those pictures are another matter.

I loved the day, even if it didn't go completely to plan. I still wish it hadn't ended, I want to see more of her and can't get her out of my head. I think I can be sure that I love her. I hate being apart from her and worry about her like mad. I hope I can get my mobile back. And I hope we get to see each other soon, we're thinking of easter, but I'm the impatient type when it comes to these things I guess. I miss her smell, the feel of her in my arms, in my lap, her lips, her face, her voice, her smile, her sleeping face.

I hope the future holds more memories that can be as treasured.

I want to share the memory with a song. One I listened to on the train there and back and is a great song to sum up the journey, the anticipation, the whole day. I obviously have no idea what the lyrics are, but the song is brilliant. And just reminds me of that feeling of anticipation. I still see the country flying by, shooting through the underground, the rush of the day every time I hear it.

"Wonderful Film" from the album "Portable Disco".
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