Lured by a metaquotes post, I was browsing through the
antitheism community. I found an example of
bad reasoning (in support of a conclusion I agree with *sigh*). I went to post a reply when I discovered that the community only allows members to post. So I thought I would post it here instead:
I saw this question posed in one of the threads from your
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I don't know of any workable simple analogies, because I don't think this is a simple case. You might point out that many embryos are created but never used and ask what should be done with them. Are the taxpayers obligated to support their staying frozen forever? Should the parents' rights end at some point (perhaps after they are dead) and then they should be implanted in (hopefully willing) host wombs? Is it preferable that the embryos be flushed and thus die for no reason at all than that in death they may serve society. Warning - this last can quite legitimately lead you bad places wrt using the elderly for medical experimentation, so be careful.
I just figured if I went there she would say, "And that's why in vitro fertilization is wrong!" A lot of those fundies think it is. Not that that answer would really answer the question, of course, I'd have to keep pressing. Arguing with these people is so tiring sometimes.
I`m always irked by questions like 'would you save a child or 500 embryos' - basically if you have to think about that while the building is burning you're doing something wrong. Very wrong.
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