Jun 14, 2015 08:37
My Struggle, adult fiction by Karl Ove Knausgaard, translated by Don Bartlett, and it was one. (He puts the water in the pot. Then he turns on the stove. Then, when the water boils, he puts the rice in. And so on.)
The Clothes They Stood Up In, adult fiction by Alan Bennett, library selected for small size. Too sad to be funny, for me, anyway.
Martin Dressler: The Tale of an American Dreamer, by Steven Millhauser. The first 90% was for me pleasant and enjoyable and also encouraging, in its endorsement of the way I would like to write stories, the validity of that mode of prose. In the last 10% he rises off that path into the pure dark magic of Little Kingdoms, and I stop taking notes and just read.