She's a Maniac, Maniac

Sep 16, 2010 22:11

I've been reading like a maniac lately but not reviewing. Ack! Sorry... it's my goal this weekend to finish at least two reviews. I just finished Round Ireland with a Fridge and Coraline and am now on to Eat, Pray, Love (which I am LOVING, by the way). . . but first I need to review all the stuff I read like a month ago.

In other reading news, I am part of a group on GoodReads called "The Big Book Challenge-athon" and I am currently trying to finish up a cover art challenge. It ends in November and I still need to read books with the following things on the cover: A full moon, a graveyard, a real historical figure, something sports-related, clothing or footwear, a uniform, and a scenic landscape. That's seven books - yikes! If I manage to read that much in the first place, the only ones I'm anticipating having trouble with are sports and a uniform. I'm considering going the easy way and finding some children's novels that won't be so time-consuming. It's not like I win anything for completing the challenge, but it's just something fun to do.

I will also be participating in the October "Spooky Booky Challenge" which means that for the month of October I will be ready ONLY spooky books. Stay tuned to see how that goes... I might creep myself out too much, we'll see!

One last thing: a friend of mine recently started his own book blog, so I'm going to give it a plug. He reviews one book a day, five days a week. Since I will probably never have the self discipline to do something like that I can only applaud and admire his efforts. Check it out:
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