. . . is That Even a Word? (#4)

Aug 17, 2010 13:52

Time for a long overdue edition of "... is That Even a Word?"! I've had lists of words sitting on my desk for at least a month or two just waiting to be shared and explained. Sometimes I'm such a slacker. I don't even remember where I found half of these words. I think that most of them are from my Ethics textbook and a the rest are a random assortment from my latest reads. Ready?

Redound (ri-dound)
- Verb (used without object)
- Middle English, from Middle French redonder (overflow, abound), from Latin redundare (to overflow)
1. To have an effect or result, as to the advantage or disadvantage of a person or thing.
2. To result or accrue.
3. To come back or reflect upon a person.

Apostasy (uh-pos-tuh-see)
- Noun
- From Greek apostasis (revolt, defection)
1. Desertion or departure from one's religion
2. Abandonment of a loyalty, cause, principle, etc.

Gelid (jel-id)
- Adjective
- From Latin gelidus, from gelu (frost, cold)
1. Extremely cold; icy

Gazump (guh-zuhmp)
- Verb
- Uncertain origin, from earlier gazoomph (to swindle), dated 1925-30
1. To cheat (a house buyer) by raising the price, at the time a contract is to be signed, over the amount originally agreed upon.

Hoyden (hoid-n)
- Noun
- Possibly from Dutch heiden (rustic, uncivilized man), from Middle Dutch heiden (heathen)
1. Boisterous, carefree, saucy, bold woman/girl; tomboy

Sozzled (soz-uhld)
- Adjective
- From sozzle (to mix or mingle sloppily; confused state, sloppy person)
1. Drunk, inebriated.



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