Dear Oh Dear Oh Dear...

Apr 14, 2010 09:51

I must apologize, dear readers: it's been quite a long time since I posted anything and I'm sorry. Don't take it personally. My books and journals have been feeling left out too. I've been so busy and stressed out lately that I literally haven't had any time to read or write. My laundry isn't done, my relationships are strained, and I've just eaten four too many doughnuts. I anticipate being a mismatched, distant, fat person at least until the end of the semester (which, thankfully, is only a few weeks away). Until then I have two school visits, about three interviews, four large papers, and a myriad of other little assignments and quizzes to complete.

My English instructor, who has been having health problems all semester, is finally being forced to step down from the job for awhile. It's an unfortunate situation, especially because she's such a kind, interesting, and just plain awesome lady. The substitute that my class has intermittently had throughout the semester is now taking over. So what does this mean? Let me break it down. I've written three papers and countless summaries for the class up to this point. They are all in the possession of the original instructor. Furthermore, she has never graded or given anything back to the class. The substitute has no way of getting these papers. So not only is all the work I've done since January now obsolete, the new instructor knows NOTHING about African literature. Kill me now.

Why oh why do I do this to myself? Certainly not in the name of quality education. In fact, this is the time of year when I start to reconsider my decision to continue going to college. You've seen movies where people have been warring with an angel on one shoulder and a demon on the other? Well I feel the same way right now except instead of such religious specters I have a straight-and-narrow Leah on one side dressed in various shades of beige and on the other is a hippie Leah with her thumb stuck out, ready to hitch a ride out of here.

Sorry for the departure from the usual fare. . . I'll get back to book reviews soon. Stay tuned for Purple Hibiscus, my latest read. So long for now!

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