(no subject)

Mar 05, 2006 13:01

i feel scared recently because of the USA. The fact that they might take away the right for a woman to have an abortion. That a woman may be forced BY LAW to carry a fetus to term. What right do people in a White House have to tell you what you must do with your body? Also, there is already too many people in the world...stop reproducing! I understand that some people are against it...some people are for it...some people are neutral. But it's not like the pro-choice people are going to kidnapp pregnant women and force them to have an abortion...so what right do the pro-life people have to impose no abortion availability on unplanned pregnant women. You should always have a choice. It is your body. noone elses. You cant force someone to have chemotherapy...you can't force someone to stop smoking...so why can you force someone to have a baby? also...the impact that this will have on the already over tapped welfare in the US? If they are going to take away a woman's right to an abortion then fine. I want all the men to be 'snipped' at birth. There. No unplanned pregnancies. Then people can plan to have the stupid baby and he can get re-connected and voila. Happy day. Or perhaps women should be allowed to sue men for making them pregnant! There's an idea! It wasn't part of the agreement that their sperm could violate the woman's egg....so i think a woman should have the right to sue a man if abortions are taken away. How do ya like that MR president? asshole.

All I can definately say is canada had better not follow suit on this one.
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