So, a couple months ago now, back near the start of July, I did something stupid.
One of the guys here at work sent round an email asking if anyone was interested in going for a short run, for charity. And, being the foolish, unthinking sort I am, I raised my hand and volunteered.
So, we have a page put up for the donations over
here, and come the ninth of October, I will be getting up extra-early on a sunday morning to go for a quick jog around Hyde park, for approximately 13.1 miles.
Yes. I agreed to do a half marathon.
You can stop laughing now.
No, really.
Yes, I really really am going to run around madly for two hours or so.
What's even worse is, well, I'm hoping to come back to NZ in November for grading, since that's been set in Takapau for the weekend of the 13th November. So.. after I finish the half, I'll go home, have lunch, then go out to Mau training. So, that weekend, I'm gonna be utterly, utterly wiped out. *wince*
Of course, if anyone wants to donate, please feel free. Just think of the children[0]. ;-]
In the meantime, I've been out running with the folks at work every Tuesday and Thursday, and I went for a run on Saturday morning; a mere 7.07km, which I ran at an average of just under 6 minutes per km. At that rate, I'll be out there for two hours and six minutes. And I don't think I can manage that pace for that long, yet. So... gonna be a long day. On the upside, I do have a few weeks yet to work up to it. Just.. not as much as I'd like. *grin*
Other than that, Tornado and I had a weekend together, because $wife was off at a wedding of one of the guys at her work. Apparently it was beautiful, and the speeches were hilarious. Particularly one of them, which, celebrating that the happy couple had met at the Caz Bar in London, sang an imaginatively-reworded version of "Rock the Casbah". *grin* Apparently there were also people playing games during the ceremony, which is, to my mind, an excellent note to have at your wedding; if you can laugh at yourself, you can get through just about anything.
Other than that, though, things are quiet. Nobody has broken out the nerf weaponry at work this week yet; last week, we ended up with me vs 4 others in the office. The major issue was I kept running out of ammo, and having to reload...
Anyway, back to work...
[0] Not like that, you perverts. :-P