Apr 23, 2009 21:09
So, I put Tornado to bed tonight - nothing unusual there.
Bath. Pyjamas. Bed. Read story. Nothing unusual.
Then tuck him in, wish him a good sleep, turn out the light, and close the door. Still nothing unusual. Minute or so later, there's a thump, while I'm downstairs making a cuppa for $wife. Still nothing unusual.
Finish making the cuppa, wander back upstairs, open door. Tornado jumps, the bed bangs against the wall, and he throws the covers over the book he's reading. I walk in, around the door, to his bed. "Book." He looks at me like he has no idea what I'm talking about. I reach out one hand, lift the covers, point at the book in his hands. "Book." He reluctantly hands the book over, I take it, tuck him back in, say "Sleep." and walk out.
... All the while fighting the urge to giggle at how much it's exactly like I was with my father, back when I was Tornado's age. *grin*
Ah, kids.
In other news, for those keeping track, I'm still looking for work (anyone know anyone who wants a unix system admin in London?); this is not terribly unusual, and we're not really hurting - there was a brief dry patch this week, but $wife is getting her severance pay this week, so we should be ok from here. And I didn't really expect to get any work before we all headed back to New Zealand to stand around watching my sister get hitched, in May, so we're all good.
It'd have been nice to have had a job, but I've been moseying about, fixing up various things around the house - putting up shelves, that sort of thing - that I've been putting off for over a year now. So it's not such a bad thing.
We've also set up a company, $wife and I, in order to organise how money flows about in the most efficient fashion. Since I've done some work for Investis, and a lot more work for the support company for the company that one of my brothers works for (it's a lot simpler than it sounds; I just wandered in and offered a hand, and ended up helping out for a week. I'm happy with that) that we really need to get the invoices sorted out for, but that's in process, so we're not worried about that, either.
I did put my name in for a job at Rackspace, but the phone interview they did, for the rates they're offering, they wanted someone who could come in and already know everything about the systems they have - Redhat Clustering and MySQL knowledge was the two points they were upset I didn't have more of (I couldn't say how to list processes on the MySQL server off the top of my head; my point of view is that the servers I've been dealing with have 400 "network connection" and no other details; show processlist is less than useful in that situation... As for clustering, I've dealt with three or four other clustering products, but again, they wanted someone who could tell you what was what off the top of their head) Seems to me that someone knowing all that would be bored silly in the role, since there wouldn't be any space for growth, but who am I to tell? Anyway, since they haven't called me back, and the role appears to be listed on their site, I presume I didn't get it. Although they might just not have responded yet; I'm told they're pretty poor at that.
I got called back by someone else who asked if I minded him going back to the client to see if they'd be willing to go for me bringing my rate down a bit, since the agent who had put me forward hadn't updated me, and had been made redundant... interesting situation, and I'm happy to discuss the rate. I won't say no outright, but I won't say yes outright, either. We'll see where that one goes. I might go and find his number and give him a buzz tomorrow.
Other than that, things are swell. Tornado is now asleep, and $wife says I should go watch The Mentalist. Maybe later - I need to catch up on the entire series so far, so it's a hefty input of time... Oh, well.
Any other questions? ;-]