Feb 03, 2008 10:49
So heres I go....
1) couscous. I am on such a cous cous kick. I eat it for every meal and never get sick of it. It's not like I just discovered it, but I HAVE just discovered how amazing it is with any condiment I can dig up in my fridge. Just writing this sentence makes me want to eat cous cous.
2) Graduate school. I'm in kids! I received my first 'official' acceptance yesterday although I have a lot of interviews lined up so I'm hoping that some of those will also turn out positive. I think I'm narrowing down where I want to go... but I'm keeping it under wraps for now :) Can't believe someday I shall have my PhD...so exciting...I'm such a nerd.
3) My back. Either I pulled something out hardcore whilst belly dancing last week or else I am having kidney failure. It hurts like a bitch. However, I have still been too lazy to find and actual doctor in DC so I guess I should get on that.
4) Work.
@ the Early Learning Project - Rachel, the new Zealand professor/boss, just had her baby yesterday. I am so excited and want to go kiss it even though babies whose life can be measured in days instead of months or years frighten me.
@ Sahara Dance - I have been told numerous times that I have 'fabulously loose hips'. Normally, this would not be a compliment. Here, it's the best thing you can say to a person. Love it.
@ baby sitter land - still sitting for my movie-writer man, which managed to become a big perk around Oscar time. Evidently 'the academy' sends out DVDs of all movies up for awards and even some that seem worthy for next year for all movie writers to screen. THAT MEANS I got to see tons of movies before they even came out in theaters. This should be illegal, but Matt rocks my socks and doesn't give a shit about 'the academy'
5) The election. I am completely all over the place with this one. I'm a democrat, dating a republican, living with a libertarian so I have seen every angle of this one. On at least a few things I am clear - I heart the fact that a woman could be president but don't want it to be Hillary /slash/ Don't think Bill can ACTUALLY handle being 2nd to his wife. I am becoming, every day, a bigger supporter of Obama and his candid talk., but am worried he will get the boot this Tuesday. I actually also like McCain economically, although he doesn't take a big enough stance on things morally and, oh yeah, he also wants to keep us in the war FOREVERRRRRR. I think my options are as follows:
*If it is Hillary vs McCain, probably McCain
*If it is McCain vs Obama, probably the O man.
CRAZY that I am skipping all over party lines on this one, but I think a lot of people are. Sometimes you gotta step out of your circle to find the best person for the job, yes? It's all about open mindedness..