(no subject)

May 31, 2006 00:21

It is 20 bazillion degrees in Pittsburgh tonight.
Thank GOD Ali and I took 2 1/2 hours (yes...2 1/2 hours) to pick out a few fans today. Granted, we drove every boy in Lowes crazy trying to make them plug them in and give us fan tips, but right now with my cool glass of water and turbo table fan, I'm finding it bareable to live.

Sheesh...I have been doing lots of laying around today and that isn't good. I am gaining weight like WHOAH and even though I've always said i would like some more meat on my bones, it's ALL going to my stomach and furthermore I just feel like hell. Maybe my metabolism finally cut out on me, or maybe I just need to hike it up to the gym more often. I've been spoiled with my petit frame but if I have to work to keep it down I will.

Aaron called me tonight and asked me to go on a date with him Thursday. Granted, this is probably because I snubbed him all day yesterday...but I was sexually frusterated and he just kept saying it was 'too hot'. Okay, so it's like 92 degrees in my apartment but damnit if I'm walking around the house half naked because of 'the heat' you better get the hint. Anyhow, so this date thing...we'll see how this goes. I think every girlfriend's complaint is that her boyfriend doesn't do enough of the 'little things'...those spontaneous and over eggagerated spouts of worship. I can't say I'm any different. However, when you've dated someone for a long time you altogether give up on the little things. Therefore, I'm nervous to even get my hopes up for this. What is this whole 'date' thing? Does this mean I need to get dressed up? Does this mean I don't have to pay? Such a land of mystery...

Lalala i'm going to sleep with my fan buzzing happily in my ear. Yay for Lowes and the crazy asian kid who scaled the walls to find the perfect cooling device :)
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