Potential schedule for The Enchantments trip

Mar 24, 2009 16:35

Now that I have a date, I can start thinking about how I want to attack the Enchantments.
I have a Core Enchantments Zone permit for 4 days, which means I can camp anywhere in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness. I'll probably just use a single camp for all 3 nights unless I feel I'm not up to trekking all the way in on the first day. I think at that point I should be fine, since I'll have several scrambles, as well as Wonderland under my belt. I'm a hard-man. :P

So here we go:
Sunday, September 6th:

Leave the house around 5:30am and head to Leavenworth to pick up my permit.
Head down to the trailhead and hope to be on the trail by 9am at the latest.
Hike in to Colchuck Lake (4.5 miles, 2500' elevation gained)
Take a break for some photography of the lake and the North Face of Dragontail.
Wish I were good enough to climb Serpentine Arete. Maybe someday.
Move to the South side of Lake Colchuck and decide if I really want to do this...
Grow wings and fly up Aasgard Pass. (1.5 miles, 2200' elevation gained, 2000' in about 3/4 of a mile)
Limp into the Enchantments Basin and find a place to camp near Inspiration Lake. (1 mile, minimal elevation)
Setup camp, have dinner, and catch last light for some pictures of the basin that don't involve moving more than a couple feet at a time.

Monday, September 7th:

Get an Alpine Start on the day and wander around the basin for first light photography (the whole reason I'm here) The sunrise should be gorgeous on Prusik Peak and Little Annapurna from that angle.
Dayhike up Little Annapurna (when a 8440' non-technical peak is just another 1000' away, you don't miss the opportunity.)
Kick it on the summit for a while and enjoy the sweeping views of, well, everything.
Head back down to the lakes and wander around for a while, or just relax and enjoy life.

Tuesday, September 8th:

More first light photography around the lakes, heading over towards Lake Viviane.
Take Viviane Pass down to Snow Lakes (1300' lost in .75 miles)
More photography! :P
Head back up "The Wall" separating Snow Lakes from The Enchantments and relax for the rest of the day.

Wednesday, September 9th:

Pack up camp and head back to the top of Aasgard.
Descend back to Colchuck, hopefully without any unintentional glissades.
Look longingly at Dragontail one more time.
Limp back to the car, hope its still there, and hope I can still drive.
Drive the ~120 miles back to home, and crack open a nice cold beer.


Whatever, this is Washington. I'll likely already have my mountaineering boots for this trip instead of the light hiking books, and I always carry rain gear. Aasgard will be a lot harder, and I might camp at Colchuck Lake the first night depending on how much I get slowed down, but I doubt it'll be a problem.
I'll likely scrap the scramble up Little Annapurna. The North Face isn't too terrible to go up, but if the rocks are slippery, the South Face descends about 4400' in 1/2 mile. This is what we like to refer to as a cliff. :P I would prefer not to go down the mountain that way, and don't plan to take any chances with it.

I think this is very unlikely for early September. If it is snowing in the alpine regions though, I'll just deal with it. I plan to have my ice axe with me anyways, its a handy tool to have along. Aasgard will be tough, and I'll almost certainly not do Little Annapurna, but it would still make for some great photography.
This is assuming the snow isn't snowshoe depth. If it is, I guess I'll just have to buy snowshoes. :P
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