
Mar 21, 2014 00:09

I should have waited until I got some sleep before I posted. The shot I got was Toradol, not whatever I was trying to type in that last post. *snort* It does not make you sleepy, or goofy or anything. It's like a slightly stronger form of Advil. Ha. Unless the nurse lied to me, but she swore it wouldn't make me sleepy.

I saw a P.A. today because my doc's schedule was full. The P.A. was very nice. She thinks it is my neck and/or my shoulder/s. My left shoulder did the same thing a while back. So, x-rays. Looking at discs and what my arthritis is doing in the neck. And then as far as the shoulders go, maybe bursitis or calcifications. My mom has all that shoulder crap, has even had surgery. Apparently it is genetic. Yay. The fibromyalgia could be involved, but more, like, in a, "everything is tense in this area because of pain and now I will flare up and make it worse." That last was my suggestion and she agreed with me. So, they should have the films back in a few days. We'll see how it goes.

I was just really tired from last night and the x-ray tech touched my shoulders a lot and moved me around to get perfect films of my neck and shoulders. It hurt quite a bit and I was cranky afterwards and wanted to sleep. I had also just eaten for the first time today when I posted, so a full tummy, plus cranky, plus sleepy, plus pain? *crash*

Interestingly, she said the shot would last a few days, but I don't feel like it has helped much at all, really. To be fair, I hurt all the time, between my head apocalypse, the fibromyalgia, the arthritis, and the endometriosis (my period started today, lol), any pain medication has a decision to make on where the fuck to go. Also, I still haven't, until just now, taken any of my pain meds. I didn't want them to mask the pain when the doc was examining me, and then I wanted to see what the Toradol would do. I just took two, though. So, hopefully that will help soon.

I take Norco now. It's the 5/325 dose. I can't say it's very effective against any of my pain, but it's better than nothing. The only thing that changed was the dose of tylenol because of FDA stuff (they felt the larger dose of tylenol in the pills was damaging to livers, esp. people who were not taking the pills the way they were prescribed).

I talked to my pharmacist about that, because even the small amount of tylenol it has lost (from (5/500) has changed how much I can do in a day with my pain dragging me down, and she said I could just buy some tylenol and cut it in half and take it with my pills. So, basically, ignore the FDA. Lol. She said that she felt I wasn't one of the people the FDA was worried about. *sigh*

I will talk to my new doc about this on the 31st, I suppose. I have a list.

I forgot to mention the new, "whoosh! whoosh! whoosh!" noise in my head that was seeming to accompany the dizziness, but now the dizziness is better and the noise is stay! New doc and I had a couple ideas on what it was, since it is a new thing: quitting the Cymbalta, new diet, electrolytes off (from Topamax dose or blood pressure meds). So we were waiting on blood panels to come back.

The dizziness is better, but the noise. Oy. So weird. Anyway, last night I was getting desperate and started looking up internet things, like I shouldn't do. I have enough health conditions and take enough medications that I have 75% of the symptoms on almost every list, lol. So, I have everything omg! But I noticed that that whooshing noise was on a couple of the shoulder pain lists. Interesting, no? The P.A. thought so, too. We'll see. I closed the tabs on my Kindle when I started getting afeared. :-D

Okay, I'm going to finish my V-8 and this Rachel Maddow now. This V-8 is good! It's Concord grape/raspberry.100% fruit and vegetable juice. Hmmm. What all is in here? I will go look at the bottle. Sweet tatos, purple carrots, regular carrots, white grapes, apple, concord grapes, and red raspberries. Yum yum yum. I only get 100% juice now and even water it down, but tonight I'm going wild and drinking it straight! We'll call it dessert! *g*

And before I go, I will share the dream I had before I woke up: I worked in a seafood restaurant as a hostess, and when we had no customers, the waitstaff and I would play football (soccer) in the area between the entrance and the dining area. Ha. I was doing this cool bouncing kick thing with the ball when I woke up. This whole scene was after I helped a lady who was trying to get a refund when she swore we messed up her scallop dinner on her anniversary. Turned out it was at a different restaurant. She got the name of the other place messed up with the name of the town our place was located. Everyone was all angry, thinking she was trying to scam us, but she was just confused. And then we played football. *pets my brain*
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