Feb 13, 2005 00:22
Happy Sunday folks and people.
Yeah, I'm up again at this time...
I am tired but not tired enough to fall asleep.
I absolutely hate laying in bed thinking and thinking...it keeps me awake.
Usually I try to find things that will amuse myself until I get increasingly tired...or maybe I could just stare at the wall...whichever seems to help me catch my ZzZzz's.
My day in particular was not so bad.
I went out with some friends to get ice cream.
I personally ordered this banana royal thing....it was absolute heaven...
well,considering I have gone without ice cream for like 6 months or something along those lines.
Sad? A pity? I know.
Then, we frolicked at the mall...in which I did not give into myself and buy anything worthwhile.
We left and went to the shoppette where I did buy myself not one but two gatorade...
Ohh!! How extraordinary indeed.
I also treated myself to batteries.
Yes, I needed them for my wonderful, yet stupidly working CD player.
Later on, we all went back to Royal's room (yes, his name is Royal)...and we ate and ate and ate delicious steak and rice, yummmm.
I was later dropped back to my barracks to my room where I changed into my running clothes...
and went for a run.
And thats why the CD player was in need of batteries, for my once convience of entertainment.
I like running...makes me feel...healthy.
I like sweating...gives me an excuse to take a shower...haha,no jkjk
I just realized how my room is in desperate need of a cleaning.
What is the world coming to?
I am usually sucha neat freak with terrible OCD for cleaning...I guess my OCD is on vacation and I am just a plain ol' bum face.
Its quite a tragedy really.
I am at this moment continuing to live outta my luggages as well.
Signs of laziness poke out once again.
I just hate unpackin my shit and then doing it again for when I go home...
Damn me for being a girl...I love clothes...shame on me for liking to cover up...shame.
I watched Ever After today.
I love that movie just as much as I love Drew Barrymore.
Awesome way to portray Cinderella.
What is it about mens clothing that seems somewhat appealing to girls?
You know to wear?...especially to bed?
Right now I have on Walts Philadelphia Sixers shirt on and I will wear it to bed...oh yes.
Its comfy...very spacious. lol
Well I'm done ramblin about pointless shit for tonight.
Off to dream world...come meet up with me and maybe we will go to the beach!...Or something.
Many XOXOXOXOXOXO's to everyone.
<3 V.e.e.
Did you know that Vanessa is Hebrew...and means butterfly?
Thats why I got a butterfly tattoo!
And about the fairy tattoo I also have...um, theres no excuse for that.
I just saw the pic at hot topic and wanted it.
Ok, I'm really dont talking...right about...now. :O)