Feb 10, 2005 10:23
If I told you that I love you, would you dare say it back?
I am sooo tired.
Another pointless day in this dumb state.
Thank god this week is almost over.
I soooo wanna go home and be with everyone again.
I think for now I'm gona go take a nap or something.
I have a meeting with the Commander at 1 so I might as well...if I look tired to him, it might just offend him lol
My lovely Jess called me last night.
I feel bad I didn't talk to her long.
We will talk more of what happened last night...cuz I wana know!
Hang in there girlie...
We will be happy again...
We deserve to be. xoxo.
<3 Veeeeeeee.
To be confused is to know half the truth.