Aug 08, 2005 16:10
oh em gee.
guess what? Yes'sir , i broke up with Steven -- Now im with dylan.
FlyMeToTheMoonx3: hey
dlwdwdlp: greetings
FlyMeToTheMoonx3: i found someone to treat me right , finally XD
dlwdwdlp: Is that so
FlyMeToTheMoonx3: yes'sir
dlwdwdlp: So the grand love affair is over
FlyMeToTheMoonx3: heh , yes.
dlwdwdlp: good
FlyMeToTheMoonx3: i finally came to my senses..and decided to quit lying to myself.
FlyMeToTheMoonx3: and it got to the point where he ignored me so much that my feelings just kind of went away
FlyMeToTheMoonx3: and now im with someone who tells me he loves me alllllll the time and kissses me and hugs me and holds me etc. ^^
FlyMeToTheMoonx3: yay.,
dlwdwdlp: sounds better
yeah. im happy.finally.
now more disorder crap-ola. (for now.)