Aug 25, 2004 21:07
today we got our tenis uniforms and outfit stuff... and i orded small skirt and small underarmour ( like the most of us) but the assholes decided they were gonna change all our sizes to medium so we dont all have small/ tight stuff so we dont look like tennis hoochies or something. DUDE THE SMALL UNDERAROUR WAS BIG ON ME. BIGGGGGGGGGGGG ONNNN MEEEE and now i have a medium thanks to the fuckers. but i went and tried on my skirt and deiced i wasnt gonna wear it, i dont give a shit. so i took it to the guy and told him that exact thing and hes like ok... well... youll have to pay for it anyways, im like hell no why would i pay for something i didnt order/!.!/.? hes like well the sports shack ordered them all in for you like I DIDNT FUCKING ORDER A FUCKING MEDIUM. OMFG!I*#YI@#(*& anyways. he said he was gonan try to figure somthing out cause i tol him i aint payn for it. and my mom said she knows someone who can re adjust my shirt. so hopefully they will do that for me, or find another one somewhere.
OMG THIS PISSES ME OFF. AND One more thing.. we asked scott (i duno why, hes not even our coach or in charge... i just realized that) if we could get like tennis written down the side of our pants and he told us no cause we need to look like a team (like V and JV to look the same) but guess waht the hell v has on thir pants down the side?? VARSITY. and well duh, v gets watever the fuck they want. and he said he would be very angry if we did that. oh well.i could care less.. ill be getting tennis written down the side of my pants wether he likes it or not.
AKSDFHLKDASJFH. i think im done complaining....
for now.
p.s. we did win our match.