Nov 06, 2010 18:38
I would hereby like to apologise to my best friend in the entire world...I would also like to apologise for my lack of spelling ability of hereby (
I have been incredibly selfish this week, and put my bad mood above the possibility that my friend could have been having a tough time, and for that you have no idea how deeply upset and sorry I am. Samantha Ratford, I love you with every fiber of my body, and I don't mean that in a gay kinky kind of way (although dear me you're smexy!), to me you are not only my friend, but my family and I am forever grateful that you are a constant presence and pillar in my life and I can only apologise (and buy you nice things) when I fuck up, and I have (fucked up that is...not bought you anything..unless you'd like some chocolate). I also apologise for leaving you Friday night and want you to know that, no matter what plans I have, or where I am in the world, if you say you want to spend time with me, I will cancel anything or anyone to simply give you a hug and tell you that you are my best friend, forever and always, no matter where either of us are.
I am sorry for my bad mood, I am sorry I have not been a great friend this week, I am sorry I do not like chocolate and I am sorry that I ever put myself before you, because it is not something I would ever wish to do in the first place, nor is it something I wish to ever repeat.
I love you, always.
P.s, I can bring fireworks tomorrow and we can set them off to make up for it?