Holy shit. i just made the longest college post ever and ALLLLLLL of the photos and shit get deleted.
Sorry for neglecting the journal, I am going to be updating a lot because I need to rant about my life and update you all and shit.
Here, enjoy some photos of my time here thus far at college yayyyyyy
The fratty boys who live in my dorm having an impromptu photo shoot with my gooooood friend Audrey
We painted the tunnels of free expression, cave-man style. A bunch of randos added their paintings on top of it and it ended up looking really cool and stayed like that for a few weeks!
Audrey and a friendly note left by a fellow artist hahah
My room after losing a roommate and making a mega-bed. So greatttt.
Me and my THIRD roommate. My first one moved out to be in the party dorm, my second one was a crazy bitch from the 1st floor and Lovey needed a new roomie. I accepted. I love my new roommate and Lovey and I are very compatible and good friends and goooood roommates.
Lovey and I in our matching wal-mart footie pajamas, 1 day after being roommates. IT IS SO BEAUTIFUL.
I got drunk with my newspaper staff at my editor in chief's house and I got so drunk and hilarious and talked a lot and now they all like me...I think
Hungover on game day. I am the sexy bitch in the yellow scarf.
HALLOWEEEEEN. I never ended up going to the party because it was dangerous and shit and I didn't want to risk it but thats me and my drunken bff's. I was the "morning after" except I ended up taking off those tights. Yes, that is a real hickey on my neck...NEVER AGAIN WITH THE GINGER DOWN THE HALL...NEVER AGAIN.
Me dressed as my hot ass desk editor who is a major asshole and shit but I looked identical to him that day and it scared him. IT WAS GREAT.
hell yeah.
I have a lottttt more photos coming soon and stories!! SO MANY FUCKING STORIES. Boy stories, girl stories, drunken stories, etc. etc.
I will be updating this journal on the regular so no worriesss...I'VE MISSED YOU ALL.