Aug 08, 2006 01:29
Just over a week before I head back to Tiger Town! It'll be great to get out of this house and all. It's been such a weird summer, full of hating work, failing at life, loathing school, getting pierced, and cute and crazy boys. I think I've been almost too excited about Clemson, like maybe it won't live up to the hype we've been giving it. Oh well. It'll be an experience. It always is.
I wish I could be more philosophical in here. No I don't, what am I talking about? I've changed a bit this summer. But I always do, we always do. This is such a dynamic age. And by age, I mean our physical age, late teens early 20's and such, not age as in era. But that too. I feel like I should be acting a lot older and younger at the same time. And I am. I think I'd be in a much better mood if I knew for sure about my schoralship. Cause here's the deal: I have 70 college credit hours behind me, and a 2.99 GPA. For my $5000 state-issued scholarship, I need a 3.0. I took 7 credit hours this summer. I know I have an A in western civ, but that's only 3 credits. I should have just taken that class. Chemistry is either a B or C, and considering the study technique used for the final, it can't have been good. But I've already come up with a bright side if, after spending $875 in tuition and ruining a good summer with school, I still don't have my $5000 that I so desperately need: (this is the bright sentences are pretty disjointed...) I met some awesome people in chemistry (Betsy and her family and Richard, who goes to Newberry so the fun times can continue throughout the school year), I got chemistry II over with in an easier environment than Clemson so I can focus on my other classes, I thouroughly enjoyed my western civ class, and I kept my brain from completely rotting to mush over the summer. I feel a lot better now, thank you so much. (and no, it's not just due to the Arbor Mist.)
So yeah. Let's go through the piercings of the summer, cause I think we need a runthrough: 1. tongue. 2. left industrial (which was later replaced by two seperate rings, one of which was taken out). 3. Christina (look it up). 4. bellybutton. 5. rook. 6. nose. 7. right indutrial. 8. tragus. 9. Monroe (upper's hott). 10. eyebrow (right next to my other one...again, hott). A little much? Maybe. I'll set off metal detectors? A goal of mine. But I like it, and I think I'm done for awhile...well, maybe a little more cartilage, but just to go in and say bye to the girls... ;)