Jul 03, 2010 00:29
My ex-lady doesn't seem to want to do anything but call me and talk about her newly founded relationship with my [ex] close friend. It's a tad frustrating because every time I talk to her I just kind of shut down until we get off the phone because I really don't have anything to talk to her about and all she can talk about is her new girlfriend. I don't really care, but she hates when I tell her that...and when I try to get off the phone she begs me to stay on and talk because I'm still her "best friend".
"HA!" is what I have to say to that.
Anyway, on a lighter note...I got a text today from the girl [Keri] that I've [kind of but not really] been going on dates with. This was quite an improvement because it seemed to me that she had been not really wanting to talk, so I just thought I'd let it go since nothing had really started. But the fact that she randomly thought to text me and explain why she'd been so distant made me smile.
"Hey, sorry I have been so shitty about keeping in touch. I have been working an insane amount and have been super stressed out about stuff. I will be better, I mean it."
Pretty much the "I will be better" and the fact that this text came out of absolutely no where made me smile, because I'm generally the conversation starter...and she [clearly...right?] wants to continue to see me once she no longer is trying to juggle the two jobs she has right now. I'm pretty sure she already put in her two weeks at one of them.
Ah! Let's hope this all goes well. It's weird to be out dating again after being in a long term relationship with someone who lived with you for three years. I feel like I'm in high school again getting all giddy about going out to see a girl. Haha, wow I'm lame. But it's definitely time for me to get back out there and try, instead of hanging back and not putting forth any effort.
Other than Keri, though, today was lame. Morning class with a paper due, worked until 8:30 tonight and didn't go out to see fireworks just to avoid the traffic that would inevitably have come with such a choice. Back to work at 8:30 tomorrow morning.
I'd love to say that I can't wait for 2/3 of my classes to be over in three more weeks, but I am hoping to get a second job...so I don't think that will free up my schedule too much.
Gah! Oh well.
<3 to anyone who actually read this all, and goodnight to you!