Jan 30, 2004 14:22
In process of bleaching hair again but on to the importantness....I gots an Oscar Wilde an Bosie icon, it is too sweet! I was also successful today in my mission of finding Wilde! Hollywood Video had it but what sucks is, its only VHS which means once Dani goes to babysit, Im taking over her room....Last night the lovely Dane Cook was on Tough Crowd, which is funny cuz yesterday I bought Harmful If Swallowed, me an Dani watched the DVD portion of it last night, ♥! Tomorrow is the 2nd Annual Downriver Love Show with Tough Call, IM very excited! Its gunna be me, Dani, Christine, I think Fudoli an Cody...I need to go check my hair, hode up for a sec...I gotta go rinse my hair soon, later!