Dec 13, 2004 14:52
I was thinking that it is time to do my shopping, otherwise I won't do any at all. Since I don't want to deal with the Mall, and all the stupid punk kids that flirt like crazy with each other, I think I might go to the outlet malls. Yeah, as Leslie told me, alot of it is the factory fuckups, but I need a place where I can find something for everyone I need to shop for. I am off tomorrow and Friday, so I will probably end up going Friday with my wonderful gf, and that will be fun. I love doing everything with her, we never fight like I do with my friends, and she understands me in the way only a woman can. But yeah, I need to start going to the gym, now that I am done with school, and get back into shape. I am prolly going to go tomorrow, and go to B&N for a routine I know I can stick to. I just need to stay motivated, and once I do something for a couple of weeks straight it will become like habit. It is like jacking off, I have become so use to doing it, that I just need to cold turkey and fight it everyday. I would have to say that that is my only true addiction, besides my depression, which is alot harder to control, and it would be great if I could replace my horniness with a want to be healthy. Not to say I'm not, because even my doctor says I am in great shape, but I need to lose that 10 pounds I keep talking about, and stop just saying I will. I think it is that I love food too much, and being lazy, and I just need to start running again like I did for two years straight. Every night I would run, and I can still run long distance like nobody's business, but I can get better. One day I want to be able to run 10 miles, nothing more, but to just be able to tell people I can do that would be a milestone for me. The most I have ever run has been 5 miles, and that was with a break or two and gasping at the end. Anyways...just thinking outloud..Time for work.
p.s my Mom is at a funeral for my Grandmother's brother, so pray she gets home safe.