May 10, 2008 16:36
I will always, always prefer tact.
Last night at Cinco de Mustache, I was sporting something reminiscent of Clark Gable. Mandy said, "If you were a dude, that's totally the mustache you would have," and I said, "thank you?" Heggs brought the breathalyzer she's using for her psych experiment. It's called the Alco-Hawk. In order to get accurate results, you're supposed to have no drunk anything for about ten minutes prior to being tested, which really calls into question, now that I think about it, how good these things must work in real life. Like, how can a police officer guarantee that someone hasn't been driving around, drinking. Anyway, case in point: I took a swig of my whiskey and coke and blew a .32.
This morning I woke up in time to go to the farmer's market and buy some apple bread. Then I brought it home and heated it up in the oven so that when I buttered it, all the butter melted. Also, I scrambled eggs and put raspberries and blueberries in my yogurt. Later, Laura and I went to Cornucopia and split one of the cheese breadsticks. I'm glad she offered to help me with it. Those things are at least a foot long, and though there's not a lot of mass to them, I always feel funny eating a whole one. Laura and I confess that we each imagine them moving through our bodies intact, coiled in our large intestine.
Countdown to Honors Defense: Six Days.