I woke up this morning to find this beauty parked across the street from my house. Ghetto fabulous, I think the fairy and the dragon on the side add a touch of class.
Sooo, I've discover the modern marvel of having your stereo wake you up with your favorite CD. Brilliant! The horns at the beginning of the last Modest Mouse album knocked me out of bed at 7 in the friggin' morning. Once I realized what the hell was going on the CD had changed gears into the mellow thing they're doing now and the day didn't suck anymore. Note, pick which CD is going to play in the morning, don't just leave the stuff from last night in there. Air came on yesterday morning... didn't wake up. Slept straight through work and woke up on the 4th CD, Suicide Machines. Completely fucked me up, but my morning dreams had a cool french soundtrack.
Of Note... nothing.
Pawn Shop tonight, Snoop on Friday?, Get Scuba certified.