Nov 02, 2007 16:49
After the day at work, I come home and open this screen and think what to set down into words.
Getting my feet wet at the new job duties. Getting to know the new teammates a bit more. I'm sure they are not sure what to make of me, because the outsides don't necessarily match the insides. Some of the people on the team seem to be really about the outsides.. so... shall it be. We will work together and that will be that.
It has been such a good feeling not to have to deal with the monkey.. the horrid green sales monkey that was attached firmly about my neck with a strangling grip, so heavy it made my shoulders sag and my spirit sag with them.
Many new things to learn but it will be good....won't it? I sure hope so. Only time will write the next chapter of this missive....
Looking forward to a good weekend, at least as good as I can make it. Need to do some outside clean up. The trees have shed the leaves they so stunningly turned into fall's last outdoor show a couple weeks ago. Now they lay on the ground, waiting to be gathered up and placed into a bag, hopefully to become compost somewhere and return to to the soil to complete their journey.
So much to write and not time to write it all. Dog needs feeding and then outside. Dishes don't put themselves away... life doesn't stop just because I need to set down a few words. There you have it..
And the beat goes on.........