Try Try again

Oct 11, 2006 07:40

Ok, this is my second try posting today. The first one disappeared on me, as I apparantly hit the wrong key or somesuch. Probably a good thing it did, as it had pretty much turned into a rant. NOT a good thing.

Outside my window.. grey, rainy, gloomy and chilly. The river shows fog. Some trees are green still, but the majority are slowly losing leaves, baring their naked skeletons to the elements, wind whipping away the cover they had closely pulled to them all fall.

Inside, my personal window.... grey, gloomy, introspective.. too thoughtful.. today I shall have a catharsis, so perhaps that will be better.. a coming clean to speak.. impartial audience.. somewhere to free and speak my mind without judgement or repercussion, just constructive input and suggestions for sorting out the crainal mess. Is a good thing..

Last night... last night was.... last night... was... last night.. a myriad of emotions and feelings and thoughts about that one.. last night...

Now.. to save this.. and to perhaps add more later. I write here for me.. Not really sure that anyone reads this, but if they do.. well then they will be puzzled and scratching their heads.. and if they understand all this.. they should worry. LOL!

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