Oct 04, 2011 18:46
Ugh to university applications!!!
So much stress, and it's such a rush! I'd say that I'd be fine at the moment if I wasn't applying to Oxford, because they want the applications in so early. I have to have it in by next week, and no one else (that I'm currently thinking about at least) wants them in until after Christmas...
And of course the issue of those aptitude tests that they want for whatever course you're applying for... I'm trying for English and Modern Languages, which means that I have to take a Linguistic test and an Italian test :L Although it seems that the person who writes the Linguistic aptitude test invents a new language every year just for the test and whoever is taking the test must try and understand it... which I think is really cool!
I remember one day a couple of years ago, during the summer holidays, I had one of those nights when you simply cannot sleep. It actually happens to me all of the time. But, anyway, I eventually gave up at around half-five in the morning and went downstairs to have some toast and watch some Stargate SG-1 and I got thinking about how, on most of the planets they go to, everyone speaks english. And so I decided to write a fanfiction, in which the people of the planet they visit speak a completely different language completely. And so I invented a language!
I still have all of the notes I made that morning.. In four hours I created a language complete with all of the rules and terms and such... I'm actually quite proud of it, although I never got around to giving it a name...
And hey! If anyone who happens to read this knows of any good universities in Canada that offers any scholarships for international students let me know!!!
llamaday xx