Yesterday, there was this IMSA alum get together. I found out about it like a week ago and wasn't sure I wanted to go. There were a few people I wanted to see there- namely Stevenl, Bec, and Jon- but there were also a few people who I really didn't want to see- namely Dale and Jon. And it was in DeKalb, which is a bit of a trip. I decided to attend, since one of the people I didn't want to see was also somebody I really wanted to see and the other one was easily avoided. That was a good decision. I also decided to bring
laughingimp along to meet my friends and assorted class mates.
First there was bowling. If bowling were like golf, where the lowest score wins, I would have won every game. Alas, I almost beat Stevenl one game, but he pulled ahead at the last minute. I think my highest score was 72...
Then we moved to the local middle school's gym. Jon was surprisingly pleasant, though a bit on the cold side. Too be expected, I suppose. For those of you who actually read this and remember things, Jon was the best friend from high school who kept blowing off plans till I finally blew up at him. It was nice seeing him again.
I hadn't planned on going out to dinner with the group, being poor and all, but I decided to go at the last minute. About five minutes into dinner, Avram showed up. Apparently, he left work early and drove all the way from Iowa to be there. Very few things make a happy llama as much as having Avram around. I think I was glowing the rest of the night.
After dinner, we went to Jon's place and played Clue. Which I am not horribly good at. But that didn't matter nearly as much as being cuddled up between Avram and
laughingimp. Best place in the world. Also, Avram said he'll try to visit me again soon. *big grin*
laughingimp was fabulous. He was social (maybe even more than me) even though he'd only ever met a few of the people before. And he taxied my friends to their various homes and train stations. And was generally the best boy a girl could ask for. All and all, it was pretty much the best day ever.
I miss IMSA sometimes. IMSA people, mostly, not so much the school. (Though an interesting class would be a godsend right now.) I miss Jon, though less now than a few months ago. And Bec, and Chris (though that's really neither here nor there), and Curtis. Mostly Avram, though. I'll go see him as soon as I learn to drive my car.