A List Of Words That Describe My Friends

Feb 26, 2005 17:01

Here are a list of words that describe my friends (Sorry if I forgot you, Do not worry you are still my friend):

Bernard: Happy, Funny, Crazy, Perverted, Teddy Bear, Sensitive, Strong, Scary, Good Friend, Nice, Fun, Cool, Always On AIM, Loves Pie, Like a Cookie? LOL!!. One of My Best Friends Your a good friend Berni and your always there for me, Thanks Berni. You always make me Laugh lol!
Nicknames: Berni

Tyler: Happy, Depressed, Frustrated, Good Friend, Funny, Hilarious, Has Lots of Power, Smart, Nice, Cool, Fun, One of My Best Friends. Hey Tyler, Thanks for always being there to make me laugh. Your a great friend and your really funny, Thanks, Your very Cool!
Nicknames: Shaniqua, Tye

Haley Furano: Crazy, Nice, Very Happy, Funny, Wild, Different, Cool, Awesome, One of My Best Friends, Loud but Yet So Quiet, Always avaliable to talk. Hey Haley, Your always there for me an always make me laugh with your funny jokes and those things you do, thasnks for being there For Me!!!
Nicknames: Rafiki, Trailmix or (T-Mix)

Jamal: Cool, Fun, One of My Best Friends, Awesome, good at basketball, Funny, Smart, Has Good Grades, Likes Sports, Talks alot (Not in a bad way!), Great Friend, Keeps Secrets. Hey Jamal Thanks For being a good friend and always being there for me and defending me. See Ya Later!!!
Nicknames: J-A-M-A-L

Kip: High, Happy, Cool, Bully, Funny, Crazy, Toug Talk. Great Friend Kip your very cool and always there for me when i need to see something funny or somebody get high lol jk!! See Ya Later!!!
Nicknames: Kipper, Kippy

Merci: Crazy, Funny, Goth Not Really but Deep down onside a little?, Fun, One Of my best friends, Happy, puppy love jk, Good Friend. Hey Merci, You are such a good Friend and are always there for me when i need to see a laugh!!! Thanks!!!
Nicknames: Merc, Merciful

Henry: Crazy, Hilarious, Fun, Funny, Likes To Talk, Best Comebacks lol, Funniest Jokes, One Of My Best Friends, Dead Babies Award. Hey Henry!!! No Henry!!! Inside Joke lol, Thanks for always being there for me you are so funny and are always there to give me a joke and defend me!!! I love your dead babies jokes!!! See You Later!!!
Nicknames: Henry' (With An Accent), Henspy

I will proabably Have More But Thats It For Now!!! Comment and Tell Me What you think about What I Wrote!! See You All Later and Enjoy Your Complements LOL!!!!
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