May 26, 2010 09:00
I have blood pressure issues, so I totally should make a new rule for myself. As soon as a fic has anyone start explaining/thinking about how in gay relationships one of them has to be the woman, I fucking stop reading. Fanfic is not worth getting that annoyed with.
I've been running into it a whole lot more lately. Think it may have to do with beginning to read yaoi again (yaoi is just slash in some ways, but the crowd seems even younger and more out-of-touch with what real people--gay and otherwise--are like).
The last one not only had the "OMG, one of us has to be the woman, I think I should be the man because I don't want you sticking it in me" freak out, it had the "I should be sticking it in you because women are always the ones in the relationship that care about housework and I don't want to do that." (Seriously, that author has issues.) And the response? "Yes, that's why I have a maid, a woman, to take care of that for me." *STABSTABSTAB*
And after the whole big "OMG we don't want to be the woman" both characters were such... teenage girls about the whole damn relationship. Supposedly both of them have been mad hot for each other for ten years, but have been burying their lust for each other by screwing lots of women. Finally, they get together... but not for sex. They're just living together and kissing a lot for MONTHS because they want to take things slowly. Ten years was not slow enough, yo. I'm sorry. But if two adult men live together for months and don't fuck around with each other? I think that means they're not interested in ever fucking around with each other.
(That author is pretty highly rec'd, too. *GAGS*)
I only skimmed the fic. That's what saved me.