One JuC Swap wrap-up (there will be another)

Sep 02, 2008 08:21

The recipient of my pinch hit, withdiamonds, liked it. :D That makes me feel great. ('cause Donna's pretty cool, yo.)

It's a bit of a bummer to realize that my first JuC fic went out as for "everyone". So, I guess I won't know if silveryscrape would have liked it or not. (Actually, rikes is made of awesome and she's going to rededicate my fic to Mary. So, not bummed. ^_^v -- though now, the "OMG, will she like it?" can begin. I am so proud of that fic--and the pinch hit, too, 'cause sometimes I amaze myself--but it's different.)

I am extremely lucky because turps33 wrote my fic, Hi De Woe. And we're on the same wavelength of crazy and she knows I read MCR fic and have a thing for Ray and just stuff and the fic was a complete surprise, nothing I would I have expected and so totally tailored just perfect for making me grin like a loon non-stop. (It has alpacas and goats and pancakes and sparkly stuff and Kevin the Ballroom dancer and MCR cameos and Chris is insanely sexy in blue sparkly makeup and *babbles*)

On top of that, chatting with catviret one day, I told her what I was imagining when I made my request: sort of a waffle house AU. And she took the setting and ran with it and wrote something awesome (Flaming Ninja Waffles) with a withdrawn and sorta broken JC who feels very real (considering RL JC these days) and is much more interesting than the spacey waiter JC that was vaguely in my head.

I'll put links in and rec some fics later (when I'm not so busy with work stuff).


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