
Jul 25, 2007 07:59

~As luck would have it, the book shelf my boss gave to me is an exact match to the ones the kitty's entertainment center is made of. Once I get them painted, they will all be quite spiffy.

~Yesterday, I encountered the homeless? man who's been making garbage bags disintegrate in the dumpster. He's not the same man as I've seen before. Since I've stopped drinking pop, this doesn't really apply, but dude, I swear if I ever throw anything away that you can get deposit money from, I won't bag it.

~There's currently a detour on my shortcut home. It's still a shortcut, but it now involves frequent "Oh shit!" braking to avoid wild turkeys.

~The coffee table is finally out of the house. Yay!

~I saw a gorgeous chair at IKEA that I really want to replace the couch with. But I've been allowing Mer to scratch her heart out on the couch, and I don't know how hard it would be to discourage her from destroying the chair. I can't find the chair in the same fabric on their site. It was like this, only the fabric was black with a leaf pattern in thin white lines: http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/50103171 --as you can see, it's not one of IKEA's cheaper items, so it would be sad if Mer killed it.

~Wearing the red skirt today. It's a tomato red, so I'm being bold and wearing it with a cream-colored camisole, turquoise short-sleeved cardigan, and a red/orange/yellow/cream pin. By happy coincidence, my summer tote bag is cream canvas with turquoise leather trim. By the way my co-workers react, you'd think I invented color coordination. @_@

~Since Dad worked on my truck, I've been getting about 55 more miles per fill-up than I used to. Dad wanted me to tell him if I noticed a gas mileage improvement, but everytime I try to tell him, he starts explaining to me how it will be only a slight improvement, maybe something I'll only notice every other trip to the gas station. I've given up trying to tell him. @_@

me:decorating chatter, cats:mermer, cats, vroom, fashion!

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