Gaming, looming kitties, stupid llamas, etc.

Apr 30, 2007 10:41

Another massive amount of Tales of the Abyss was played this weekend. (For those of you playing along, I've just been to the Ortion Caverns for the second time.) This chunk of playing wasn't quite as amusing--though it had its moments.

Big negative: way too much going to do something, then having to run back to this town and then go check on that town and then, OMG, we have to go back to the first town and do something else. (Note to game developers: I love a good dungeon crawl, but fighting monsters on the "world map" level always annoys me immensely.)

On the positive side, the plot and characters continue to impress me. Okay, they might all be typical RPG-ish, but they're better done than average. Even the character who's seemed the most one-dimensional so far, Anise, has begun showing signs of having a bit of depth (maybe). It took a great effort to stop playing at a reasonable time last night. I knew I didn't want to do anymore location hopping, but I really wanted to know what would happen next.

(And sorry, but I just love that Jade wears cologne and scent makes the gentleman.)

I woke up early this morning, rolled over to peer at the alarm clock, then had a debate with myself. Do I get up and go to the bathroom even though that will wake up the kitty and start all the sleep-denying kitty demands? Or do I try to ignore my bladder and grab some more kitty-free sleep?

Sleep, I decided.

I rolled back over, came face to face with the kitty who'd been looming over me the whole time, and was so startled, I screamed. (Well, a quiet girly scream that didn't disturb the neighbors too much, but still...) Then I got up and started obeying all the kitty demands.

I'm used to waking up with her looming over me. Usually it's because she's looming and purring quite loudly or looming and eating my hair or looming and staring so hard I can feel it. I'm not too crazy about this stealth looming, though. (Mind you, I think she was highly amused by it.)

Oh, and I stopped gaming last night because I also wanted to watch the last two discs of Supernatural season 1 again. A couple of those episodes I've watched multiple times, but the whole thing leading up the finale, I've only seen once. "Provenance" is one of the ones I've seen, oh... three or four times. (Come on, the Boogie Inn makes it so totally re-watchable.) Somehow, I'd totally spaced on a plot point for that episode. Realized it last night and felt so stupid.

Dean totally lies about losing his wallet to get Sam to go meet the girl again. Lies his ass off in an effort to get his brother laid, and I'm so amused that he does, but every other time I've watched it, I just thought he found his wallet at the very last second.

And I think that's about it for now.

games, tv:supernatural, cats:mermer, cats

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